44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
32nd National Táncház Festival & Fair – March 30 – April 1 • 2013

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The multi-faceted and colorful program will include performances by groups presenting their own local traditions, traditional folk artists and musicians, dance groups, professional and amateur folk dancers, dance-house bands and dance teachings.


30 March – 31 March 2013. 10 am – 10 pm TÁNCHÁZ FESTIVAL and Fair
Papp László Budapest Sport Arena  • 1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 2.
Adult ticket: 1.770 HUF/day
Children (4-14 age) ticket: 780 HUF/day
Two days adult ticket: 3.310 HUF (only on the spot!)
Family discount: if you buy one adult plus one or more children ticket, the price of the adult ticket will be 1.540 HUF (for example: 1 adult + 1 child = 2.320 HUF; 2 adults + 1 child = 3.860 HUF; 2 adults + 2 children = 4.640 HUF). Discount tickets will be available both day on the spot from 9.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Gala ticket: 1.080 HUF on the spot from 6.00 p.m.

A chance to get a taste of many kinds of traditional dances from all over the Carpathian Basin • Children’s Ball • Dance teaching and performances by guest dancers invited from villages all over the Carpathian Basin • Evening Gala program and ball • Market of Folk Arts and Crafts • Handicraft workshops • Ethno-cinema • Traditional and revival dancers and musicians • Concerts • CD-presentations • Publications • Folk pub with live music • Exhibitions

Saturday, 30 March 2013. 10 pm – 4 am
All night ball
Fáklya Klub • 1067 Csengery utca 68.
Ticket price: 800 HUF (only on the spot!)

Monday, 1 April 2013. 7.00 pm
"Hear the Word!" – Gala concert
Featuring participants of the "Fölszállott a páva, 2012" folk music and folk dance tv competition
Thália Theatre • Main Stage • 1065 Budapest, Nagymező u. 22-24.

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